Sunday, March 20, 2011

I wish u were here


I always be here waiting for you to come back home
I keep our flowers grow, since we planted the seed many years ago

And I stare at the moon and hope we’ll meet there, hope we’ll meet there?‘cause I miss you
I wish you were here

I know it’s hard for you to stay and so I let you go
But you promised to never let me down and said that you love me so

And I stare at the moon and hope we’ll meet there, hope we’ll meet there
‘cause I miss you?I wish you were here

Make your dreams fulfilled, and don’t forget to take me with you someday

actually it's Endah n Rhesa's song.. it's one of my favorite song..
I like all of their songs, because the lyrics are beautiful, the melody almost the songs are also wonderful..

hufftt.. lagu ini judulnya "wish you were here", yang kalo ditranslate ke bahasa indonesia jadi "aku berharap kamu ada disini"
yaaa inilah derita korban Long distance relationship .. sudah hampir setengah taun (kalo nggak salah itung) aku ngejalani LDR yg sangat berat..

tanyakan kenapa?

aku disini, dia disana..

aku di jogja, dia di balikpapan..

bukanlah jarak yang dekat jika aku ingin menggapainya .. butuh waktu, terlebih butuh ongkos yang (lumayan) mahal kalo pengen nemuin dia disana.. paling nggak tiket pesawat pulang pergi sekitar 1juta lebih dehh :'( hiksssss.. duit dari mana mamenddd??

>> aku selalu menunggumu untuk pulang menemuiku
>> ketika malam tiba ku slalu pandangi bulan dari jendela kamarku, berharap kau juga menatap bulan yang sama
>> kau selalu berjanji untuk selalu menjaga cinta kita ini agar menjadi kekal, abadi, selamanya

huaaaaaaaa.............. I REALLY MISS YOU !!!!!


Anonymous said...

hey ,sabar yah ,gw tau banget perasaan lo .. cowo gw ada di taiwan lhoo (lbih jauh dari balikpapan) .. wkwkwkwk

Adhisti Vega Kerleonis said...

woww.. jauhnyaaa :-O
trus gimana caranya biar jaga hubungan tetep harmonis??