Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I love the way you love me

I like the feel of your name on my lips
And I like the sound of your sweet gentle kiss
The way that your fingers run through my hair
And how your scent lingers even when you're not here

And I like the way your eyes dance when you laugh
And how you enjoy your two-hour bath
And how you've convinced me to dance in the rain
With everyone watching like we were insane

But I love the way you love me
Strong and wild, slow and easy
Heart and soul so completely
I love the way you love me

And I like the sound of old R 'n' B
And you roll your eyes when I'm sloppily off key
And I like the innocent way that you cry
At sappy old movies you've seen thousands of times


(Listen to me now)
And I could list a million things
I love to like about you
But they could all come down to one reason
I could never live without you

(Boyzone's song)

aku sukaaaa banget sama liriknya 'I love the way you love me'

yaa.. aku suka caramu mencintaiku.. ternyata aku sadar kalo Tuhan menjawab semua doa dan harapanku selama beberapa bulan terakhir ini.. dia (mas sandy) kembali lagi padaku.. Thanks God! aku suka caranya mencintaiku.. walopun dia pernah menorehkan luka di hatiku, tapi menurutku itu belum separah luka yg pernah aku goreskan di hatinya beberapa tahun lalu..
aku belajar dari semua pengalamanku dengan, dia, dia, dan dia.. ternyata hidup ini emang membutuhkan proses.. Tuhan mengijinkan hal2 buruk terjadi sepanjang hubunganku dengannya, tapi Tuhan juga memberikan hal2 indah setelahnya..
dia mencintaiku dengan tulus (I knew it exactly), dia jarang berucap cinta ataupun kata2 pemanis bibir, tapi dengan segala banyolannya, ucapan2 nylenehnya yg kadang bikin aku sebel, tapi itulah dia.. dia dengan segala kepolosannya.. aku suka dia.. aku cinta dia..
*smoga kami bisa melewati segala batu terjal dalam hubungan ini*

I love him so much :-*

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